
The cold stream brushes over my toes as I dip them in the water and the nippy Autumn air twirls my hair in the swirling breeze. The fantail flits past me again and then disappears into the thick canopy of overgrown trees. Leaves spill from the branches and the still-swirling breeze scoops them up and throws them through the sky like confetti. I scramble over the pebbles and rocks that line the edges of the bank and climb up onto the sodden morning dew that coats the swaying blades of grass. Again the fantail swoops through the nearby branches and I chase after it. Twigs snap under my feet and the feathers of the fluttering bird flash in front of my eyes as I run through the never-ending forest. 

My brain wanders as I try to keep up with the small bird that is dashing through the trees. I wonder where it’s going and where it will lead me. I’ve always been told not to follow random animals because they are never actually taking me places, but I do it every time. The main reason I’m following the fantail is because of my mother. She died a few months ago and ever since, the fantail has been everywhere I have been. It was always her favourite animal and she said that I reminded her of a fantail because I got distracted so easily and I was always curious about new things. She used to tell me that it was both my best and my worst trait at the same time and I believe her with that one.

I follow the fantail into a clearing that I’ve never seen or heard about before and it is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my entire life. The trees are a mixture of golden ochre leaves and new sprouts that are going to bloom into luscious blossoms that coat the branches. The river emerges from the thick brush that shadows the clearing and trickles over the stones that carpet the ground underneath. I let my feet sink into the lush green grass and absorb the warmth of the soil under the sun. The tiny bird circles my stretched out palm and lands on the soft centre of my hand. I run my fingers over the top of its tiny head and its feathers that are barely even the size of my fingernail are silky to the touch. It nestles into my now cupped fingers and all the problems in my day melt away.

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